Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rock Band Physics

On Saturday as I was hanging out with my lion dance friends, we were playing Rock Band, pool and poker. Now as I watch my friend sink the eight ball to lose, I noticed how the horribly the singer was on the mic. I realized then and there that this is similar to the harmonic motion of sound waves. Due to his vocal cords vibrating, the voice coming out of his mouth was horribly out of tune. The difference between the wavelengths in sound cause what is known as dissonance. This scratchy sound was then picked up by the receiver in the mic, which converts sound energy into different currents of electrical energy to tell the Xbox what to do.

Apparently Rock band is tone deaf because it only measured the big differences in pitch and not the dissonance. This raises the question why was I out at eleven in Chinatown with friends when exams are coming? I am preparing to sell apples in Waikiki.

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