Saturday, September 26, 2009

Water Polo physics 101

water polo was disappointing this week. We lost to Kamehamaha and they were probably the worst team we played thus far. Come on its simply drive down and shoot down at an angle below the horizontal not like how Baba is doing to the left by passing it above the horizontal at an angle. I mean come on the goalie wasn't much of a reaction force against the net force of the ball, but we still managed to miss a ton of shots because we didn't shoot and pass as well.
Speaking of PASSING we need to throw the ball so that it only goes up the y-axis about as high as a foot above the receiver's head. Kam guys were passing so-so and didn't even have a lot of force when they shot, yet still won by 4. Seriously is it so much to ask to drive down the pool and push up on defense, like the normal force to their mass x gravity.

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